Cool Pages I found

What is this page?

Here you can find a list of cool webpages I found on this tildes/neocities nostalgic side of the internet.

The list itself


    A very fun website to pass the time. It has interesting games and data visualisations that make you think.

  • Shellbound

    ~gikiski's page over here on His main page contains short daily updates about the war in Ukraine.

  • Web Neko

    This page allows you to play with little cats (Nekos) that follow your cursor. You can even add them to your own page using the provided script tag.

  • After Cyberpunk

    An article by ingridofcrows over on neocities. It explores cyberpunk as a "genre". (I don't know how to explain it).

  • Polyzium's page

    ~polyzium's page on It shares interesting details on "cyber life" in Russia after the war. It doesn't have so much content right now, but I hope it will in the future.

  • Cyber Mauseoleums

    An article by neonaut on neocities that describes their argument against deleting old things on the internet.

  • The AnarchoCyberPunx Guide to Starting Over

    A game/article by ~anarcho.

  • The 88x31 GIF Collection

    A collection of 88x31 buttons.

  • 88x31

    A collection of 88x31 buttons by neonaut on neocities.

  • blinkie maker

    A website for generating blinkies.