Frequently Asked Questions - This page will tell you everything you could ever want to know about Crunchy Slug! Maybe. Okay, probably not.

Q: Who are you?
I'm the host of this crazy little space on the cyberweb, C.S. Allin.

Q: So what is Crunchy Slug?
Crunchy Slug is heavily inspired by an old website called ToastyFrog that orignally ran from 1995 to 2000(although after its death it was quickly rebooted and continued on for many years in various forms). I mainly use it to review retro video games and release software.

Q: Wait, what's ToastyFrog?
ToastyFrog was a site that covered video games, anime, and occasionally movies. Which put it at the trendy, cutting edge of internet culture at the time. And it was so well designed you could easily mistake it for a commercial site run by a whole staff of people(think IGN), but it was actually created by a lone dude named Jeremy Parish. Incidentally, he's still kicking and creating stuff on Patreon. Writing books, too.

Q: Okay, but why'd it inspire you?
Kid me thought ToastyFrog was the coolest website ever when I discovered it in the late 90's, and I thought, "Wow! I wanna make something like this some day!". It was just a childish whim but it always stuck with me, and over two decades later I'm finally making it happen. This is the strangest mid-life crisis ever.

Crunchy Slug's look is an homage to ToastyFrog's site layout circa the year 2000 and...

Q: Homage? Aren't you just copying ToastyFrog because you suck at web design and you needed something good to crib from?
What? No... Next question...

Q: How often will you update Crunchy Slug?
I'll update it once a month with 1 or 2 articles. Wish I could do more, but I'm an incredibly slow writer and that's the most realistic goal for myself.

Q: What's the GIA Newsfeed?
I'm obsessed with keeping the past alive so I had an idea: what if I created a newsfeed that posted nothing but old video game news?

But what to use as a source?

Well, it just so happens that another one of kid me's favorite sites, The Gaming Intelligence Agency, is filled with old video game news. And thus the GIA Newsfeed was born.

Every day, in yonder sidebar to the right, news from November 22nd 1998 to December 28th 2000 will be posted in chronological order. This will take 511 days of real time to complete. Then it'll loop back to '98 and start all over again. What fun!

Q: Why are you asking for donations?
I currently don't have any real source of income. If you enjoy what I do and want to me to keep doing it, any money you can throw my way would be very much appreciated.

Q: You're trying to make a living by writing a maximum of two articles per month on a website that's so obscure it'll probably never gain an audience? Isn't that a terrible idea?
Crunchy Slug is just phase one of my multi-faceted plan to get rich. But yes, it's a terrible idea.

Q: Is that really the best idea you've got?

Q: Glad I'm not you.
Actually, I'm the one writing this whole FAQ. Including the questions. You ARE me.

The feeling is mutual, buddy.

Next update:
Apr. 2nd 2025
GIA Newsfeed:
Glitch found in Final Fantasy VIII

Thousand Arms delayed

Thanks to
My Patrons!
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